Thursday, August 22, 2002

Get your red hot pictures here: Pennsic Cake If this is not clickable the url is

Monday, August 19, 2002

Friday, August 9

Friday morning Tirzah had to be at work by 6 a.m. Since she had no clue how to get back to D.C. I got up with her and led her back to the city. I ended up getting to work at 5:30. This was great except my computer access did not start until 7. I ended up fooling around and doing some things until I could actually log into the computer.

After work Tirzah came to my office and we went out to dinner, filled up the gas tank and went to the grocery store. By the time we got to the Cake house it was after 9 and we didn't really want to do anything. So we unloaded the perishible groceries and went to Alans for sleep. Alan wasn't there so we stayed up long enough to watch some Iron Chef then went to sleep.

Thursday, August 8

I met up with Tirzah at 5 pm and led her to the cake house. First things first, I check on the rondels which looked pretty good. Then we covered them with luster dust. Finally we filled each hole in the colorflow with colored piping gel. I made black for the cats and red, blue and purple for the non cat sections of the rondels. Tirzah decided to make some extra colors and so we had green, orange and a couple of other colors. We started piping the figures and there was much giggling over whether the pieces looked like cats or not. Everything went pretty well although the purple was so dark it looked like black against the gold. Afterward we painted a couple more icons. I, of course, did my usual no patience for anything job while Tirzah took her time. Her cat looked lovely and realistic, although very egyptain and not big enough for the project. I don't remember if I did anything more that night but I know that shortley after that we were pretty tired so went over to Alan's to crash.